Cell Phone cases for a cause

Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something.  ~Author Unknown

If we all pitched in just a little, my what a world this would be! I have always been touched by people who pour their hearts into something they believe in. In they end it makes us all believers. I have blogged in the past about my dear friend Patti who has met adversity with courage. The kind of courage most of us can only hope for. Patti, for those of you who do not know, is a cervical cancer survivor who has turned negative into positive, and continues her undying mission to spread the word about awareness.

In the past we offered a “Live” luggage tag designed especially for this cause, to benefit Tamika & Friends, an organization that is doing wonderful things to help bring awareness cervical cancer early detection. Patti holds this organization near and dear to her.

A few weeks ago I was contacted by a young lady named Hali, who had seen my “Live” tags and wanted to know if I could design a cell phone case to honor her mother. Hali’s mother had lost her battle with cervical cancer. I was not only honored but humbled. As a graphic designer, doodling and designing is all I know. It is my tool. But who would’ve thought that my designs could reach so many by helping along an organization that does such great work. Proof that we can all do something….anything, to help.

It is for this reason that today we unveil 3 new designs to benefit Tamika & Friends.  These cases were designed for the owners of them to show support in honor, or in memory of someone touched by this devastating illness. The cases are available as cell phone covers or iPod covers. Follow this link to support a great cause! I’m Inkpressed

with love,

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month…

My friend Patti was diagnosed with cervical cancer. She embarked on a journey of strength and courage and endured days that most of us would cower at the thought. Her courage led her to a path of recovery and today, thankfully,  she is cancer free. 11,000 women will be diagnosed with cervical cancer this year, 4,500 will die from it. However, invasive cervical cancer is highly preventable. Patti has raised awareness in all those close to her and anyone else who will lend and ear. January is Cervical Cancer awareness month. In honor of my Patti’s courage, I wanted to design a product that would help carry her message. This special luggage tag has a little lady dressed in the cervical cancer awareness colors. She packs a powerful message “Live”. I’m Inkpressed will donate 50% of all proceeds from the sale of this product to Tamika and Friends, an organization dedicated to raising awareness.

Regular Pap tests are crucial to ensure early detection and prevention. For more information please visit the National Cervical Cancer Coalition website.

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