Cookie Swap

Nothing says Christmas better  than Christmas cookies. Cookies = smiles. Why not host a cookie swap this year. Its easy.  Invite your friends to attend the cookie swap.

Ask each person to bake their use their favorite recipe and bring 3 dozen homemade cookies (no cheating with store bought).

Have your guests e-mail their recipe to you a few weeks before.Create a keepsake book containing all the recipes they will be sampling at the party. The book will make for a great party favor. Get creative! print the recipes on colored cardstock four to page. Punch a hole on the top right hand corner of the papers and thread a festive ribbon or ring to keep the pages together.

Let the party begin! Serve an assortment of coffees and teas. Perfect for the cookies. Have your guests exchange the cookies among themselves. At the end of the party everyone will be leaving with a large assortment of cookies. Yummm.

Craft stores have caught on to the cookie swap craze and have begun to offer cookie party supplies. Some of the kits include decorative keepsake boxes for your guests to place their cookie assortment in.

Remember, best of all you get to show off your baking skills. If you don’t have a family recipe, there is a great website, Joy of Baking with many yummy recipes and easy to follow directions.

We have just added a cookie swap invitation to help get your party started!

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