Desktop Organization and a Freebie

In an effort to continue to cross off items off my 2012 to do list, organization was next in line. First on the list: my desktop! I always try to keep my desktop organized, but after a few weeks, and several new folders later, I am back to chaos. So, I have found a quick solution. A desktop wallpaper organizer. I created with all the categories that will suit my business. I have a current projects area, tool box, I’m Inkpressed, Misc. and for file. The latter is for when I am a little to busy to categorize, but I will get to it…. I promise. Here are a few screen shots of the before and after:

As you can see, I have classified everything by category. I have also given every folder a color to correspond with its category. Nice, neat and super easy.

Would you like your own? Just click on the image below. Once the image opens up in a separate window, save it to your computer and use it as your desktop.

Happy Organizing!

About i'm inkpressed

Illustrator, Graphic Designer, crafter.... obsessive doodler

One response to “Desktop Organization and a Freebie

  1. Pingback: I ♥ organization… a lot. | One Happy Mama

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