Desktop Organization and a Freebie

In an effort to continue to cross off items off my 2012 to do list, organization was next in line. First on the list: my desktop! I always try to keep my desktop organized, but after a few weeks, and several new folders later, I am back to chaos. So, I have found a quick solution. A desktop wallpaper organizer. I created with all the categories that will suit my business. I have a current projects area, tool box, I’m Inkpressed, Misc. and for file. The latter is for when I am a little to busy to categorize, but I will get to it…. I promise. Here are a few screen shots of the before and after:

As you can see, I have classified everything by category. I have also given every folder a color to correspond with its category. Nice, neat and super easy.

Would you like your own? Just click on the image below. Once the image opens up in a separate window, save it to your computer and use it as your desktop.

Happy Organizing!

Color Trends

It really is no secret that color is my guilty pleasure, For some its shoes, others its chocolate, for me its pretty color. I am in awe of products with pretty colors and vibrant hues. In this blog post I will share my favorite colors right now. I say right now, because my color preferences change often.


Not sure if my latest obsession has been influenced by the season. I really am not a fan of plum or anything purple, but I find it to be a nice accent color, both in art and fashion. A plum color blouse with a big ‘ol mustard colored bag. Or how about  a mustard colored blouse with a plum scarf and really dark jeans? The combination of these three colors are endless.









Sources:     blouse       hobo bag       bird on a wire pillow

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